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 Fissia "Sloth" Somnus

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PostSubject: Fissia "Sloth" Somnus   Fissia "Sloth" Somnus I_icon_minitimeJanuary 4th 2014, 10:37 pm

Fissia "Sloth" Somnus Anime+girl+at+desk+a+bit+unsure

Name: Fissia Somnus

Weapon: N/A

Gender: Female

Appearance: Fissia is a young woman, with calming brown hair and slightly surprisingly persimmon/scarlet colored eyes. She has very long hair, but it's clipped up very often because she doesn't like getting drool in her hair. She has a typically blank or, what some would even call, dopey expression and has a tendency to drift off to sleep when she has a chance. She is considered by many to be beautiful, despite being a Kishin, a fact that she completely ignores and/or denies in her drooling. When Fissia sleeps, she drools, quite a bit. Fissia's drool, however, is nothing like normal drool. Fissia's drool is very viscous and gooey, and has a very, very sweet scent to it, which causes people to actually consider coming and drinking it, or kissing her, or something, to get to the scent. She's not big on make-up, but many people point out that her lips secrete a sort of clear "gloss" which is actually a sort of poison which knocks people out.

Personality: Fissia is a very slow girl. She's constantly tired, has issues getting motivated, and refuses to go without at least 8 hours of sleep a day, exactly. But she isn't apposed to getting more than that. She has slow reaction times, and has a hard time even realizing that anythings going on. When talking to her, it'll take at least a full minute before she realizes anyone's speaking to her. She's not spiteful, but simply doesn't care for the lives of other beings. She's a sweet girl when she wants to put the effort in, but that's rare. The result is a calm, apathetic, non-caring, bland girl who refuses to speak to a lot of people. She has a habit of drooling on people, or draping herself over their shoulders and falling asleep. She's not inherently evil, but has no problem killing basically anyone. She loves killing, the feel of it, the rush it gives her. One could call her psychotic, and that's not far from truth. She's a thinly veiled insane person. When you break past the foreskin of sleep and laziness, behind it is an insane, crazy, sadomasochistic being that refuses to be taken lightly anymore. She refuses to be abused again. She REFUSES to be tossed aside once more.

History: At the young age of 3, Fissia was a very active child, full of light, happiness, and all kinds of bubbly sunshine. Unfortunately, she didn't get the best of luck when it came to her parents. Her mother was a rude, nasty woman who envied her daughter's youth and her energy. Her father was not horrible to her, but was terribly softspoken, so he never spoke out against his wife to tell her that what she was doing was wrong. And what was she doing? Abusing her daughter, for the worst things. Cheering out loud, asking for a second helping of food, all of this added up to repeated beatings. Sometimes with shoes, belts, extension cords, but the worst was when she took an old rickety wooden plank with all kinds of rough edges and nails and such in it and mercilessly beat her child over the head repeatedly. A lot of Fissia's energy went toward keeping herself alive on the minimal amount of food that she was given. Rather than play, her new thing was to nap. To sleep, simply, like most kids do. But her mother wasn't going to have any of that.

And so began the sleep deprivation. Every second Fissia attempted to sleep, she would be woken by a violent screech or a blow over the head. Never sleep, she did, never sleep, she could. At this point, her happiness was replaced by depression, anger, angst as she grew older. One day, her birthday, her 8th to be specific, she. simply. snapped. Her mother had pushed her too far, but no, she was going to wait, and scheme. When her mother went to sleep as she usually did after her 8pm beating(Yes, 8pm, on the dot, everyday), Fissia grabbed the nailed wooden plank and swung at her mom repeatedly. The nails tore flesh, ripping open wounds and causing pains the mother had never thought existed. It wasn't till maybe 2 minutes after continuous beating that Fissia's mother fell unconscious and later died due to repeated head injuries as well as punctured organs. With her mother's blood on her hands, literally, Fissia fell to her knees. Her father, who had been out for hours now at work, came home to this horrific sight, her daughter kneeling over his wife's corpse with her hands over her face, covered in blood with a bloody weapon next to her. The man had never been open, he had never yelled, he had never expressed anger. But when he saw his wife's corpse, then he saw who was responsible(at least, who he assumed was immediately responsible) he grew furious, saying things like "You're as bad as your mother tried to make me believe you were!" or "Horrible beast!" And cast her from his home, far away, into the forest.

Fissia grew older, and grew more detached from reality. She found that she had enjoyed killing, and had kept her mother's soul around with her till the day she assumed to be her 18th birthday, although she couldn't keep track at that point. She had been murdering all this time, it felt so amazing. Waiting for people to sleep, or making them fall asleep, then horribly murdering them. "The Mid-Day Nap Murderer" she came to be known as, since no one knew it was actually her. On that day, that "18th" birthday she took her mother's soul, and then she consumed it. Finally, she left the forest, leaving only a trail of sleeping animals and insects in her wake. It was time for her to scale up. No more small time.

AbilitiesDescription# of souls  contributed to  the ability
Nausea BubblesFissia blows saliva bubbles at the enemy that cause feelings of nausea and sickness, making them stop and keel over for a little bit.2
Sluggish AuraJust by being around Fissia, people feel lethargic and don't feel like doing anything. Rather, they slug around and feel apathetic and depressed. In some cases, she can even directly force this aura into people through physical contact like a poke, punch, or a kiss if need be.3
Pitcher PlantFissia transfixes the enemy with the smell of her saliva, causing her enemy to become sluggish and dopey. In this state, their souls are weakened and their resolve lowered. In the future this will do more.5
Quantum LockFissia literally saps the kinetic energy out of the enemy, causing them to be all potential with no kinetic. Meaning they would literally be stuck, unable to move. The ultimate laze.10
5 More MinutesFissia forms a bubble around her that slows down/stops oncoming attacks for as long as she's inside of the bubble.20
Sleep InertiaFissia forces her soul's energy on her enemy, causing them to become heavy and unmotivated, as if a large well of gravity is working against them.30

  • Fissia is a pansexual, even though she's too lazy to pursue a relationship.
  • She does surprisingly own a make-up kit, despite not liking it that much, because she steals things from her female victims.
  • Fissia has slept with a man to kill him before.
  • Her saliva scent has been compared to the world's best flower, or perfume, or baked good. It just draws in the smeller, almost like a sort of hypnotism. It takes quite a bit of will to resist, but it's not impossible.

Have you read the rules: I Love Soul Eater.

Last edited by Glaceon on January 7th 2014, 9:29 am; edited 2 times in total
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Honorary Staff
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PostSubject: Re: Fissia "Sloth" Somnus   Fissia "Sloth" Somnus I_icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2014, 7:06 am

My only concern is that there is bo progression. With her 15 creation souls she already has all her abilities and won't gain any more. Can you add like upgrades to them or add some that require more than 5 souls? Thanks~
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Knight Guy
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PostSubject: Re: Fissia "Sloth" Somnus   Fissia "Sloth" Somnus I_icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2014, 5:36 pm

Ew.....uh.....accepted? And moved?
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PostSubject: Re: Fissia "Sloth" Somnus   Fissia "Sloth" Somnus I_icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2017, 8:09 pm

I need to know her Madness Strand (type of madness) and soul count.
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Honorary Staff
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PostSubject: Re: Fissia "Sloth" Somnus   Fissia "Sloth" Somnus I_icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2017, 6:18 pm

Madness Strand: Sloth, like the sin.

Her Soul Count was around the same as Ophidia. Somewhere between 30-34.

Fissia was one of the 7 deadly sin Kishin Eggs that came out with Ophidia.
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Honorary Staff
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PostSubject: Re: Fissia "Sloth" Somnus   Fissia "Sloth" Somnus I_icon_minitimeJune 17th 2017, 7:58 pm

Fissia "Sloth" Somnus Charac16

As of 6/17/17, this character is in compliance with the current rules! aflairforfandoms
Otherwise, if you plan on dropping/ deactivating him let me know!
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PostSubject: Re: Fissia "Sloth" Somnus   Fissia "Sloth" Somnus I_icon_minitime

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