Psh, Im gonna keep this nice and simple, just the how my characters feel about others.
Chase: "Their Comes A Time In Every Man's Life when He must Breath His Finale Breath, Fight His Finale Fight, And Live His Final day."
Kidd: Whatever. A guy
Jax: Best friend
Ashley: No idea
Belated: Crush?
Jax: "I am the best weapon, I am the best technician, I am the best talker, I am the best brawler. And I don't say these things from a place of insecurity. I say it, because I am it."
Kidd: Continually hates
Daisy: Aquantince
Shilo: Respect her
Dru: Aquantince
Ixion: Aquantice
Mellata: Thinks she is precious. Nothing else.
Calvin: "Even in the depths of Hell... blooms a beautiful flower of friendship... leaving its petals as mementos... bobbing back and forth on the waves... may it one day bloom once more."
Hobbes: BFF
Beatrix: Friend
(Oblivion twins, forgot their name): Not the best of terms
Alicia: Adores
Jasmin: Adores; erm, ahem.
Franky: Adores the fuck out of.
Juro: Cool beans yo.
Chicory: Aquantince
Belated: ?
Ruby and Sapphire: